Silvia Giambrone Marinella Senatore

Feminism in Italian Contemporary Art
Silvia Giambrone Marinella Senatore: Feminism in Italian Contemporary Art
Publisher: Richard Saltoun Gallery
Dimensions: 25 x 17.7 cm
Pages: 46pp.
£ 10.00

Catalogue produced on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Feminism in Italian Contemporary Art', curated by Paola Ugolini. The exhibition is a visual representation of struggle, resistance and growing awareness in the belief that art can trigger a constructive dialogue–overcoming differences in gender, class, race and religion.


Works in the exhibition represents two aspects of the feminine: on the one hand the home–the domestic environment, that warm nest of family intimacy that all too often, rather than providing a shelter from the world, can become a deadly trap of inevitable frustrations and conflicts. On the other hand: activism, the street, slogans, songs, banners, marches, raised fists or hands joined high over the head to form a triangle–that symbolic and powerful gesture that appeared during the late 1970s, then disappeared and now, finally, has reappeared in recent demonstrations.